IN the middle ages, there were the commoners, who grew food and made things, the nobles, who did the fighting, and the church, who told people what to believe. Today, most of our middle class and upper class are in the business of…

It never fails to amaze me when dentists fail to realize that this sort of imagery that is not good marketing copy for them.

Proof that Facebook serves up ads based on your browsing history, part 2: (‘Cause I’m a nerd.)
A staging for supporting a stack of hay or grain; also called a staddle.
To render wood proof against decay by saturating with a solution of corrosive sublimate in open tanks, or under pressure.
Relating to the transmission of power to a distance, specifically by a system of ropes or cables and pulleys.
The act of blowing through a space to expel accumulated secretions.
Marked by wavy lines; undulate or sinuate.
An imaginary line, or a line on a chart, connecting or marking places on the surface of the earth having equal differences in a given time from the normal temperature of these places, or indicating differences between the calculated and actual temperatures of…
Spear-shaped or shaped like the head of a halberd.
A material composed of screenings or siftings of gravel, or a mixture of loam, coarse sand, or fine gravel, used in making filter beds, as a bedding for metal roads, and the like.
Marked with irregular, narrow, sinuous, or crooked lines, like those indicating a river on a map.
Intoxicated. Now rare.
Designating a beast of prey, especially a wolf, depicted as in the act of carrying off his prey, or in a half-raised position as if about to spring on prey.
A gadding, flirting girl or woman. Also, a kind of spear with barbed prongs, for hunting fish.
Impatience under affliction; morbid restlessness; dissatisfaction; the fidgets.
A discus thrower. When capitalized, a statue of an athlete about to throw a discus, with the right arm extended backwards. The original statue, ascribed to Myron, is lost.
Fringed, having a fringed border; specifically, in Botany: cut into deep irregular lobes, the divisions coarser than when fimbriate.
Of or pertaining to the lap or bosom.
An enclosure constructed to entrap wild elephants.
Government by slaves.
Shaped like a cup, a little widened at the top.
An apple seller; a hawker of any kind of fruit or vegetables from a cart, barrow or stall.
A herd or school of whales, also, a visit between whalers at sea.
A fabulous beast, said to imitate a man’s voice.
Rumination, chewing the cud; a phenomenon sometimes observed in man and usually associated with some sort of nervous mental disorder.
The handle of a scythe.
Beginning to be green; slightly green; greenish.
Any of the tapering or wedge-shaped pieces of which an arch or vault is composed. The middle one is usually specifically called the keystone.
The right of erecting a a stall or stalls at a fair; a rent or toll for erecting a stall.
To cut off, as leather, rubber, etc., in thin layers or pieces; to shave or pare , as hides.
A membranous tube running through the chambered sections of a cephalopod shell.
That which closes or stops an opening.
The amount by which a vessel of liquor, such as a cask, lacks of being full; wastage; deficiency.
Slimy; sticky; rheumy; clammy.
Of or pertaining to funerals; funereal.
Fate-bringing; deadly.
Expanding; having the property of increasing in volume; characterized by dilatancy.
Having been formerly; former; sometime. Said especially of a position, as “the quondam king.”
A lashing binding a thing tightly or binding things together.
An adventitious whistling or snoring heard on auscultation of the chest when the air passages are partly obstructed.
To render sweet; to free from acidity.
An improvised stockade, especially one made of thorn bushes.
A pointed implement used to make holes in the ground, especially for plants or seeds.
To make the vibrant or trilled sound peculiar to grasshoppers, cicadas, and some birds, or a sound like it. Also, the sound itself.