The hunting of deer on foot, by stealing upon them unawares.
Having a wavy, floating light; opalescent; chatoyant.
Lying down with the head raised.
Act of sleeping or falling asleep; sometimes, figuratively, death.
A modification of the microphone for detecting or measuring minute extensions or movements of solid bodies (and hence changes of temperature) by the changes of pressure produced.
Slow of speech.
To bend or curve in and out; to wind; to be sinuous.
Not covered with baize.
An arrangement of five things with one at each corner and one at the middle of a square, esp. of trees.
A petty or deputy pope.
To fortify with a wall behind another wall.
Of a melodious and singing style; tuneful.
An instrument for amputating the uvula.
A charm, spell, or the like against demons.
A haranguer of the people; a preacher.
Restive in harness.
Of the nature of an excursion or digression; also, prone to make excursions; digressive; wandering; roving; exploring.
Impairment of the power of using gestures to express thoughts.
To strike with the nail of the finger, first placed against the ball of the thumb, and forced from that position with a sudden spring; to snap with the finger.
A small, longitudinally grooved column, of the same material as the rock (usually limestone) in which it occurs.
A jewel or precious stone supposed to come from the head of a toad.
Relating or devoted to charity, alms, or almsgiving.
To cut down to a lesser number of decks, as a ship; hence, to prune or abridge by cutting off or retrenching parts, as to razee a book.
Superficial knowledge; a show of learning without substantial foundation.
A place for keeping or rearing frogs.
An urgent and distressing sensation, as if a discharge from the intestines or the bladder must take place, although none can be effected.
A kind of tongs formerly used to pull dogs from under pews, etc., in churches.
Living among, inhabiting, or growing on rocks.
To suppose; think; believe; imagine; to expect. Archaic.
An intriguing person; an intriguer.
A device to level cargo or measure a hold, consisting of a standard with a sliding board or stick projecting at right angles.
The refuse or excrement left by insect larvae.
A poison that counteracts another poison.
Of, pertaining to, or resembling, the storks.
A dike of piles, or any arrangement of similar objects in the sea, a river, etc., to check the approach of an enemy or to protect a bridge against floating bodies sent down by an enemy.
Producing heat from putrefaction; of or pertaining to, or arising from, putrefaction.
Tending to awaken hostility; opposing; warring.
Made of twigs.
Divination by observing straws burning on red-hot iron.
A half hour. Now obsolete.
To subject to heat; to dry or roast by a fire; to parch or scorch.
A slender elastic rod, as of whalebone, with a sponge on the end, for removing obstructions from the esophagus, etc.
Any object which by the position or length of its shadow serves as an indicator, especially of the hour of the day.
The process of mountain making, especially by folding of the crust.
A hut built upon piles in a lake or a bog.
Suspended by, or strung upon, a thread.
A poultice, often medicated.
To render other than seven. (Obsolete)
Bright, beautiful, shining, radiant.
Tending, or having power, to raise a blister.